2nd Amendment

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Take Action Now!

Why do Virginia Politicians not trust you with your firearms?

The Virginia General Assembly has introduced 24 bills that will be considered in the 2020 session.  If you believe in asserting your God given right to protect yourself and your family, please sign the petition to let over-reaching legislators know where you stand.  We are demanding the following action from our legislators.  By signing the petition, you will send a message to the Sponsors of these Bills.

As a citizen, protected under the Constitutions of Virginia and the United States, I demand my rights be left intact.  Stop focusing solutions on the tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens of Virginia and take actions that stop criminal activity but does not criminalize the freedom provided in our Founding documents.

The language to the original Bills is available through the links below.  Click on the link to see the summary of the Bill.  You will find the name of the sponsor right below the headline.  Click on the name to access the office information for the sponsor.  The full text is available just below the summary.

No one will protect your rights.  It is the responsibility of every able citizen to act and act we must!

Support 2nd Amendment Rights

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121 signatures

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